Under New York State and in most states, a claim for personal injuries requires an intentional or negligent act by a private individual or fictional entity that results in a harmful or offensive injury to another person. A person may be entitled to compensatory damages, which are designed to put the injured person back in the position they were in prior to the accident. Compensatory damages include medical costs associated with the treatment for the injury, loss of income and pain and suffering. New York and most states are comparative fault jurisdictions, which means that your claim for compensatory damages may be reduced when apportioned as to level of fault. Unlike workers’ compensation law, fault of each party is taken into account to determine the amount that the claimant may recover.
Slip & Fall
Most accidents do not only happen on the job. An owner may be liable to an occupant where the owner of a premise or other commercial building fails to conduct a reasonable inspection of the premise. A reasonable inspection is any activity or hazardous condition the owner would have discovered or knew about if the inspection had been conducted. This inspection reveals includes activities carried out by the owner or its agents or hazardous conditions on the premise.

Motor Vehicle Accidents
In New York State and in many other states, a motor vehicle accident (“MVA”) is a common occurrence in instances where the driver is distracted (i.e. texting while driving) or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Most of these motor vehicle accidents result in serious bodily injury, and sometimes fatal.
Byron will analyze and prepare your case and create a clear and strong presentation. You may be entitled to compensation, and we ensure to make sure that the insurance carrier compensates the injured person properly.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
In New York State and in many other states, a motor vehicle accident (“MVA”) is a common occurrence in instances where the driver is distracted (i.e. texting while driving) or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Most of these motor vehicle accidents result in serious bodily injury, and sometimes fatal.
Byron will analyze and prepare your case and create a clear and strong presentation. You may be entitled to compensation, and we ensure to make sure that the insurance carrier compensates the injured person properly.

Construction Site Accidents
A majority of injuries suffered by an employee at a construction site are a result of unsafe and hazardous conditions or by the negligence of a third party contractor. Most injuries result in long term and permanent disabilities. In addition to a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, an injured worker may pursue a personal injury claim.